
Candlestick Plots
Best way to compare data against multiple boats
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Median Line
- Middle 50% Data inside the box
Scatter Plots
Great to look at moding
- Red is Port Tack
- Green is Starboard Tack
- Black Trendline is average for both tacks

Time Series Plots
Looking at maneuver trends
- Metric displayed on Y axis
- Time relative to head to wind on x axis
- Black Vertical Line is head to wind
XY Chart Plots
Maneuver Tracks
- Displays manouver track for each boat
- Look at exit and entry angles
- Tacks, Entry is at the bottom
- Gybes, Entry is at the top

Table Charts
Great to look at correlation between best manouvers
- Manouvers sorted by MMG (Meters Made Good)
- Metrics colored by value, darker is larger
Straight Line Metrics
VMG_Norm - Velocity Made Good Normalized: How fast you sail directly Upwind or Downwind
SOG - Speed Over Ground: GPS Speed
TWA_Norm - True Wind Angle Normalized: Angle you are sailing relative to the wind
Heel_Norm - Heel Normalized: Positive is Leeward Heel and Negative is Winward Heel
Pitch - Pitch of the boat Fore - Aft: Positive is Bow up, Negative is Bow Down
Heel_Stability - How many degrees of heel you go through in a time period: Greater number is less stable, lower number is more stable
MMG- Meters Made Good: How far upwind or downwind you travel in a maneuver
BS_Entry - Boatspeed Entry: Speed entering the maneuver
BS_Exit - Boatspeed Exit: Speed exiting maneuver
BS_Delta - Boatspeed Delta: Maximum - Minimum Boatspeed in maneuver
BS_Min - Boatspeed Minimum
TWA_Entry - True Wind Angle Entry: Entry angle into maneuver
TWA_Exit - True Wind Angle Exit: Exit angle out of maneuver
Angle - Maneuver Angle: TWA_Entry + TWA_Exit